Aquarate Limited
Aquarate provides an accurate and automated fluid intake monitoring system (AQi) to prevent hydration-related illnesses and empower clinicians to improve the quality of patient care. Their system accurately calculates a patient’s fluid intake, which provides peace of mind to clinicians, knowing their patients are hydrated.
Approaching LCR 4.0
Having first dreamt up the business idea during her undergraduate course, Aquarate Founder and CEO, Rebecca Taylor, then approached the LCR4.0 team to assist with the development of her innovation.
Partner Support
An Industrial Software Specialist at Sensor City undertook the project and provided a proof of concept of the Aquarate system. The aim of the project was to develop a fluid intake monitoring system based on RFID technology, which would identify RFID tagged cups and record their weights onto .CSV files, as well as display the captured data on a LabVIEWbased graphical user interface (GUI).
Since receiving the LCR 4.0 support, Aquarate has expanded with the employment of one FTE and one PTE staff members and is also planning to employ a further two FTEs and one PTE within the next 12 months. This project is becoming a real life-changing product, which was just an idea less than two years ago.
The support provided by the LCR 4.0 team at Sensor City to develop the initial proof of concept, enabled Aquarate to receive the funding to further develop our technology and see a product users love become ready for market.
Rebecca Taylor, Aquarate Founder & CEO
Working into the Future
The AQi monitoring system is expected to be ready for service evaluations throughout July and August 2019 and will be trialled within a number of hospitals and care homes across the UK. The estimated market launch date of the product is October 2019.