Below is a showcase of some of the programme’s biggest announcements and successes. |

Digital support for North West manufacturers set to deliver £100m GVA boost benefit for region
Evaluations of digital transformation initiatives, Cheshire & Warrington 4.0 (CW4.0) and LCR 4.0 Holistic, have…

LCR4.0 generates over £121m in GVA as it drives innovation and economic growth for SMEs in the LCR and beyond
LCR4.0 was an ERDF-funded initiative (European Regional Development Fund), driving the growth of the manufacturing…

LCR4.0 Holistic supports over 50% more start-ups as a catalyst for Business Growth and Innovation
Since launching in the summer of 2020, LCR4.0 Holistic has been making great strides in…

Blog: 5 Digital Trends for 2023
As we enter another year, the VEC looks ahead at our digital technology predictions for…

3 Steps for becoming Net Positive
Carbon Neutral and Net Zero are well-recognised terms that have been building on the pressure…

UK Heritage leaders unite to adopt Deep Tech as a driver for levelling up through digital heritage
On the 14th June 2022 the Virtual Engineering Centre launched our partnership and unique strategic…

Ground-breaking collaboration to place Liverpool at the heart of Digital World Heritage
St George’s Hall and the Virtual Engineering Centre pilot projects aim to create a digital…

Using data better: Accelerating MedTech’s industry 4.0 evolution
Andrew Borland, Head of Commercialisation for the Virtual Engineering Centre explains the opportunities available through…

Blog: Digital Supply Chain Development
Supply Chain is exactly what it says – a linked chain of interactions that can…